VPN Errors:  800 and 629
I have been referred to you by Microsoft Answers regarding problems setting up VPN on Windows 7. Here is the text of our exchange: Original Inquiry: For the life of me, I cannot set up a working VPN on Windows 7 Home Premium. I followed the official Microsoft instructions to the "t" but got Error 800. So I found a solution online and made adjustments...but then got Error 629. After finding another solution, I fixed that but am now getting Error 919. Next, I contacted Microsoft Support and was told that I had to contact Acer because I'm running an OEM. Then Acer told me they can only help me with hardware issues. So you can understand why I am throwing up my hands in frustration. Is there anyone out there who can help me or point me in the right direction? Microsoft Answers Response: Note that in order to access your PPTP VPN server from a remote location you need TCP Port 1723 forwarded/open on any router or firewall the PPTP VPN server is behind. You also need the router or firewall to pass GRE Protocol 47 traffic. This is sometimes called PPTP Pass Through or VPN Pass Through or is allowed automatically when TCP Port 1723 is forwarded/opened. This includes software firewalls like the native Windows Firewall. You can test this using the PPTP Ping and VPN Traffic sections on this page. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb877965.aspx You can download the pptpsrv.exe and pptpclnt.exe tools from the Microsoft or here (see the PPTP Ping tool) or if you have a XP SP2 CD. To extract the programs on a Windows 7 PC open the CD and select Open folder to view files from the AutoPlay window or go to the download folder where you saved the downloaded tools file and extract the files. Additional help... http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/Why-am-I-having-problems-with-my-VPN-connection Note that some consumer grade routers do not do pass GRE Protocol 47 traffic. I suggest testing this over your local LAN first to make sure the basic data link can be established... http://theillustratednetwork.mvps.org/Vista/PPTP/BasicVPNTest.html Here is a possible solution to your 919 error... http://www.vistax64.com/vista-networking-sharing/209430-vpn-error-919-a.html More... http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&source=hp&q=vpn+error+919+windows+7&pbx=1&oq=vpn+error+919&aq=1&aqi=g3g-v1&aql=&gs_sm=c&gs_upl=0l0l2l376l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0ll0l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=dc9072f4d1d34f4c&biw=1262&bih=557 I would post to the TechNet Windows 7 IT Pro Networking forum for additional help.. http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en/w7itpronetworking/threads My response: As I said, I followed the instructions exactly including "TCP Port 1723 forwarded/open on any router or firewall the PPTP VPN server is behind. You also need the router or firewall to pass GRE Protocol 47 traffic." Furthermore, I downloaded and installed the Windows Support Tools, then ran pptpsrv.exe as Administrator. A window opened saying the following and remaining open with a blinking cursor: Error10048 Binding Socket: WSAEADDRINUSE Created Socket for GRE Protocol test Listening to Protocol 47 for incoming GRE packets I also ran pptpclnt.exe causing a window to open briefly and then closed. As for the 919 error, I can't seem to find anything at the site you referenced that applies. However, I'm no longer getting Error 919...only 629 and 800 alternately. So...I'll try consulting with TechNet unless you have any other ideas. *************************************************************************************************** So...can you help? I have screen shots of the error messages and copies of the diagnostic reports I'd be happy to send. Laurie
January 2nd, 2012 6:56am

What's the model of your router? I suggest you update the firmware firstly. Also refer to this: Troubleshootng common vpn related errors. Regards, MiyaMiya Yao TechNet Community Support
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January 4th, 2012 1:08am

One of the most common errors encountered when working with a VPN is error 800 - "Unable to establish the VPN connection." Unfortunately this error code doesn't tell you anything of why the connection is actually failing. If you encounter it, check the following: •Are you using the correct VPN server name? The server administrator provides this name. •Is the Internet / network connection to the server functioning properly? You should ping the server is not sure. •Is your network firewall blocking VPN connections? Port 1723 must be opened and Protocol 47 must be enabled in the firewall configuration settings •Does the server have too many clients already connected (VPN server connection limit exceeded)? The server administrator can check this, but it is not a common problem.
January 4th, 2012 1:51am

Hello Miya, I'm running 2-Wire 2700 HG-B. The firmware is up to date. So now what? Laurie
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January 5th, 2012 7:20am

Plenty of information about errors 800 and 629 is here as well: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en/w7itpronetworking/thread/b4b984b8-360a-4f9b-bd78-f0a2fe4fb347 These two manuals are helpful: http://www.vpnserverwindows7.net/vpn-error-619 for Error 619 and http://www.vpnserverwindows7.net/vpn-error-800 for Error 800. At least the one for error 800 was handy for me, its all about your internet connection to a remote server.
July 5th, 2012 5:10pm

Plenty of information about errors 800 and 629 is here as well: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en/w7itpronetworking/thread/b4b984b8-360a-4f9b-bd78-f0a2fe4fb347 These two manuals are helpful: http://www.vpnserverwindows7.net/vpn-error-619 for Error 619 and http://www.vpnserverwindows7.net/vpn-error-800 for Error 800. At least the one for error 800 was handy for me, its all about your internet connection to a remote server.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
July 5th, 2012 5:20pm

http://www.vpnserverwindows7.net/vpn-error-800 for Error 800. Thanks a lot! Was exactly my issues, and it seems like the list of solutions is for any issue which may cause error 800, that big it is!
July 7th, 2012 7:13pm

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